Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Google Alert - retail news

News8 new results for retail news
retail investors-Q1 tally
The Seoul bourse's turnover traded by retail investors came to 223.7 trillion won (US$199.9 billion) in the January-March period, down 43.5 percent from a year earlier, according to the data compiled by market researcher FnGuide Inc. Market watchers ...
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Morgan Stanley Fund Plays Russian Retail
Wall Street Journal
Meanwhile, the supply of high-quality retail space in western Russia, while growing rapidly, remains scant in relation to other Western countries. Moscow now has 281 square meters of mall space per 1,000 inhabitants, or roughly three square feet per ...
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Retail should behave like social media
B&T Marketing & Media
Australian retailers are playing catch-up to global players in terms of e-tailing, social media spend and in-store technology, but there is a big problem facing retailers worldwide: shoppers are turning away from traditional stores because they're ...
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British Chic Tested as Asos to TopShop Seek U.S. Growth: Retail
On the heels of Downton Abbey's success on American television, British retailers are banking on a love of all things English to expand their business in the world's biggest apparel market. Leading the British invasion are online specialist Asos Plc ...
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Amazon Claims Another Retail Victim
Motley Fool
Just ask Toys R Us. The struggling retailer last week canceled plans to join the stock market with an initial public offering, citing "unfavorable market conditions." Those were the conditions that produced a $366 million drop in Toys R Us' sales last ...
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Dave Brown: In retail, customers only get the level of service they demand
Ottawa Citizen
He specialized in training retail staff. It was all about attitude. He taught them to take pride in the fact they were serving in the front lines, and the companies they worked for were similar to armies. If the front line couldn't close the deal, the ...
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Ottawa Citizen
Fonterra holds retail dairy prices
Waikato Times
Fonterra says it is ''sitting tight'' on current New Zealand retail market fresh milk and dairy product prices despite another big surge in global commodity dairy prices overnight. The average price on Fonterra's Global Dairy Trade overnight auction ...
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Waikato Times
Chevy Cruze has its best retail month ever, compact cars boom in March
Plain Dealer
DIESEL_CRUZE_CHICAGO.JPG View full size General Motors' Lordstown-built Chevrolet Cruze had its best retail sales month ever in March, Later this year, the company plans to start producing a diesel version of the compact car. Associated Press ...
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